
Our Essentials Data Utilities are specifically designed to provide a variety of versatile, user-friendly data tools to enhance your Salesforce experience. These utilities range from image management and display options to advanced QR code functionalities.

Image Swiper

The Image Swiper utility offers a seamless and user-friendly way to browse through multiple images. This tool can be easily set up and styled according to your brand's preferences. Whether the images are hosted directly on Salesforce or a remote file server, Image Swiper ensures that users can effortlessly browse through them with a swipe.

Flow Images

With Flow Images, integrating imagery into your Salesforce Flows has never been easier. Whether you need to display images hosted within Salesforce or from an external source, this utility makes it straightforward to enhance your Flows with visual elements.

QR Code Generation

Our QR Code Generation utility lets you create unique QR codes for Salesforce Lightning Flows or record pages. You can dynamically pass links, titles, and descriptions to create custom QR codes that can be scanned to provide direct access to specific resources. This tool is excellent for facilitating quick access to various parts of your Salesforce instance.

QR Code Scanner

The QR Code Scanner is a practical tool that allows users to scan QR codes directly within Salesforce. Once scanned, these codes can provide direct links to various resources, such as record pages or Lightning Flows, enhancing navigation and user experience within the platform.

The Essentials Data Utilities are designed to enhance your interaction with data and improve the efficiency of your workflows. They can be easily implemented within your Salesforce instance using the Lightning App Builder.

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