Visual Scene Setup

Setting up a visual takes more than just putting a component on the screen. We want to create an environment where the user is immersed while showing off products or visuals to the fullest extent.

To do this within Salesforce, an Admin needs to be able to set up and control every aspect of the visual itself, including what to do when a user clicks on an element, what to do when a scene is loaded, or what custom logic should fire when you interact with a scene or our components.

There are five main categories of Visual Scenes:

  • Actions - Want to change something about the camera, scene, or model

  • Interaction Events - Need to visualize a configuration? Need to isolate elements when an asset is selected? Interaction Events represent any dynamic interaction.

  • Grouping - Sometimes the components on a 3D model are not grouped within the assembly or model itself. When you need to do things like showing or hiding several elements at the same time, a group makes a lot of sense.

  • Labeling - Need users to understand what they are looking at at a glance? Adding custom labels is easy using our labeling tab. Simply select elements in the scene, update the label, and the next time the scene loads within Salesforce, BAM labels

  • Attributes (Look & Feel) - Want to change the scene's color? Set a background image? Add in a brand logo? This is the category of elements that will allow you to do so. Set once and forget it- these elements typically don't change after the initial setup

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