Digital Twin App

RenderDraw Digital Twin is a comprehensive managed package for Salesforce that integrates modern digital twin technology into the Salesforce environment. It leverages the power of real-time data visualization and system hierarchies to offer a seamless and immersive user experience for managing and interacting with assets.


  1. Asset Search Component:

    Description: This component allows users to swiftly search and identify assets associated with a particular account. Its integration into flows means that it can be contextually and logically inserted into various processes to optimize asset-related operations.


    • Real-time search with type-ahead suggestions.

    • Seamless integration into custom and standard flows.

    • Contextual filtering based on account selection.

  2. DigitalTwin LWC Component:

    Description: A state-of-the-art Lightning Web Component (LWC) that showcases a hierarchical view of information combined with a 3D interactive visualization of the digital twin.


    • Dynamic visualization of asset structure and details.

    • Configurable UI that can be tailored to specific needs through metadata.

    • Extension capability with Lightning Flows, enabling direct communication to the renderer.

    • Custom use-case extensions, such as spare parts reordering, warranty lookups, etc.

  3. Provided Lightning Flow:

    Description: This flow is crafted to be positioned on the Account page and is the linchpin that ties the Asset Search and DigitalTwin LWC components together.


    • Ready to be integrated into the Account page layout.

    • Compatibility with Salesforce Digital Experiences.

    • Configurable standard contextual actions like:

      • Asset Details view.

      • Create a Case for the chosen asset.

      • Generate a Work Order for the selected asset.

Use Cases

  1. Spare Parts Reordering: With the digitalTwin LWC, users can directly pinpoint the exact part they need to reorder, streamlining the process and minimizing errors.

  2. Warranty Lookups: Quickly understand the warranty status and details of assets directly from the interactive visualization.

  3. Asset Management: Use the Asset Search Component and the Provided Lightning Flow to have a granular, 360-degree view of an account's assets right from the Account page.

  4. Service and Support: With contextual actions, support representatives can swiftly create cases or work orders for assets, reducing time and improving service quality.

RenderDraw Digital Twin revolutionizes how businesses interact with and manage their assets in Salesforce. Combining the power of 3D visualization with Salesforce's robust CRM features offers unparalleled capabilities that drive efficiency, accuracy, and user engagement.

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