Version 2 (proposal)

RenderDraw API conversion only accepts POST requests


This API will primarily convert input CAD files into a specified output format with various options for customization and data extraction.

API Overview

Purpose: Convert CAD files to different formats with options for screenshots, assembly modes, compression, and additional data extraction.

Input Parameters

  1. CADFile (binary or Zip): The input CAD file. Accepts either a binary CAD file or a Zip file containing a CAD assembly with its parts or subassemblies.

  2. DimensionType (string): Indicates whether the CAD file is 3D or 2D. Accepted values: "3D", "2D".

  3. OutputFileType (string): The desired output file type. Typically a GLB file. Other formats can be specified as needed.

  4. TakeScreenshot (boolean): Specifies whether to take a 2D screenshot of the CAD model. Default is false.

  5. AssemblyMode (string): Determines the level of detail in the assembly conversion. Options are:

    • "full": Includes all components.

    • "subassembliesOnly": Includes only subassemblies.

    • "unimodel": Consolidates into a single top-level model.

  6. CompressionLevel (integer): Sets the compression level for the output 3D model. Range is 0-10, with 7 as default.

  7. OutputModel (boolean): Whether to output the converted 3D CAD model. Default is true.

  8. OutputAssemblyInformation (boolean): If true, outputs the JSON structure of the CAD model, including Product Manufacturing Information (PMI). Default is true.

Sample API Calls

Call 1: Basic Conversion

  "CADFile": "[Binary CAD File]",
  "DimensionType": "3D",
  "OutputFileType": "GLB",
  "TakeScreenshot": false,
  "AssemblyMode": "full",
  "CompressionLevel": 7,
  "OutputModel": true,
  "OutputAssemblyInformation": true

Response 1:

  "status": "success",
  "convertedFile": "[URL to GLB File]",
  "assemblyInformation": "[JSON Structure]",
  "screenshot": null

Call 2: Subassembly with Screenshot

  "CADFile": "[Zip File with Subassemblies]",
  "DimensionType": "3D",
  "OutputFileType": "GLB",
  "TakeScreenshot": true,
  "AssemblyMode": "subassembliesOnly",
  "CompressionLevel": 5,
  "OutputModel": true,
  "OutputAssemblyInformation": false

Response 2:

  "status": "success",
  "convertedFile": "[URL to GLB File]",
  "assemblyInformation": null,
  "screenshot": "[URL to Screenshot Image]"

Additional Notes

  • The API should handle various CAD file formats and be robust enough to process complex assemblies.

  • Error handling must be implemented, especially for unsupported file formats, corrupted files, or conversion errors.

  • Performance optimization is crucial, especially for large and complex CAD files.

  • Security considerations should include secure handling and storage of the input CAD files.

  • Consider providing a progress endpoint for monitoring the status of long-running conversions.

  • Documentation should be clear, comprehensive, and include examples for various use cases.

  • Optional features could include batch processing, additional output formats, and advanced compression options.

This structure provides a comprehensive foundation for the v2 CAD Conversion API, catering to a range of needs from basic file conversions to complex assembly processing with additional data extraction capabilities.


This approach ensures that the response is easily consumable by JavaScript applications. Here's the structure:

Sample Response for Web API Service

Response Format:

  "status": "success",
  "convertedFile": {
    "type": "GLB",
    "content": "[Base64 Encoded GLB File Data]",
    "fileName": "model.glb"
  "assemblyInformation": {
    "content": "[Serialized JSON Object with Assembly Information]"
  "screenshot": {
    "type": "Image",
    "content": "[Base64 Encoded Image Data]", // Only if TakeScreenshot is true
    "fileName": "screenshot.png"


  1. Status: Indicates the success or failure of the API call.

  2. ConvertedFile:

    • Type: Specifies the file type, GLB in this case.

    • Content: The GLB file data encoded in Base64 format, which JavaScript can easily decode.

    • FileName: Suggested name for the file when saved or processed by the client.

  3. AssemblyInformation:

    • Content: The assembly information provided as a serialized JSON object. This format is native to JavaScript and can be easily parsed and manipulated.

  4. Screenshot (Optional):

    • Type: Specifies the image format.

    • Content: The image data encoded in Base64, provided only if TakeScreenshot is set to true.

    • FileName: Suggested name for the screenshot file.


  • Serialization: All components of the response are serialized, allowing for easy parsing and processing in JavaScript.

  • Base64 Encoding: While Base64 increases data size, it's a standard method for embedding binary data in JSON responses. JavaScript can handle Base64 encoding/decoding efficiently.

  • File Names: Including suggested file names can help clients manage downloaded data.

  • Error Handling: The API should include robust error handling and return meaningful error messages in a similar JSON structure.

  • Documentation: Detailed documentation should accompany the API, explaining the response structure and providing examples of how to handle the data in JavaScript.

This approach aligns with the requirements of a web API service, ensuring that all data is returned in a format that can be serialized and utilized effectively in JavaScript-based applications.

Last updated