Visual Rules engine


Our custom 2D Canvas Logic Engine provides a powerful and intuitive way to create interactive graphics and animations. By combining visual programming elements with traditional coding concepts, this engine allows developers of all skill levels to build complex logic flows for canvas-based applications.

Key Components

Logic Blocks

The engine uses a block-based programming interface, similar to Scratch or Blockly. Key logic blocks include:

  • If: Conditional statements

  • Do: Action blocks for executing code

  • And: Logical AND operator

  • Not: Logical NOT operator

  • True/False: Boolean values

  • Null: Null value

  • Test: Conditional testing (if true/if false)

Loop Structures

  • For Each: Iterate over lists or collections of items


  • Custom variables can be defined and used throughout the logic flow


  • Custom functions can be created to encapsulate reusable logic

Special Features

Droppable Areas

The engine includes a "Get Droppable Areas" function, which allows for dynamic interaction with the canvas. This can be used for:

  • Drag and drop functionality

  • Collision detection

  • Interactive elements within the canvas

Example: Basic Logic Flow

CopyGet Droppable Areas
for each item (k) in list
    if (condition)
        do (action)

This basic structure allows for iterating through a list of items (potentially canvas elements), checking conditions, and performing actions based on those conditions.

Best Practices

  1. Modular Design: Break complex logic into smaller, reusable functions.

  2. Clear Naming: Use descriptive names for variables and functions to enhance readability.

  3. Comment Your Logic: Add comments to explain complex logic flows.

  4. Test Incrementally: Build and test your logic in small steps to ensure each component works as expected.

Advanced Techniques

  1. State Management: Use variables to track the state of your canvas elements.

  2. Event Handling: Implement custom event listeners to respond to user interactions.

  3. Animation Loops: Utilize the engine's loop structures to create smooth animations.

  4. Dynamic Element Creation: Use logic to dynamically generate and manipulate canvas elements.


Our 2D Canvas Logic Engine provides a flexible and powerful toolset for creating interactive canvas-based applications. By combining visual programming concepts with the versatility of a 2D canvas, developers can quickly prototype and build complex graphics and games with ease.

For more detailed information on specific functions or advanced usage, please refer to our API documentation or contact our support team.

Last updated