Setup Field on Catalog Object

Creating a Custom Field in Salesforce: 2D Scene Settings

Follow these steps to create a custom field in Salesforce that matches the "2D Scene Settings" field shown in the image.


  • You must have the necessary permissions to create and modify fields in Salesforce.

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Navigate to Setup:

    • Log in to your Salesforce account.

    • Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner and select "Setup."

  2. Go to Object Manager:

    • In the Setup menu, find and click on "Object Manager."

  3. Select the Object:

    • From the list of objects, find and select the object named Category.

  4. Fields & Relationships:

    • In the left-hand sidebar, click on "Fields & Relationships."

  5. Create a New Field:

    • Click on the "New" button to create a new field.

  6. Select Data Type:

    • Choose "Long Text Area" as the data type.

    • Click "Next."

  7. Enter Field Details:

    • Field Label: Enter 2D Scene Settings.

    • Field Name: This will automatically populate based on the Field Label, but you can edit it if needed. Ensure it is X2D_Scene_Settings.

    • Length: Enter 131,072.

    • Number of Visible Lines: Enter 3.

  8. Set Field-Level Security:

    • Click "Next" to proceed to the Field-Level Security settings.

    • Adjust the field visibility settings as required for your organization.

    • Click "Next."

  9. Add to Page Layouts:

    • This is a hidden field only for internal settings, so we avoid adding it to any layouts.

    • Click "Save" to create the field.

  10. Verification:

    • After saving, verify that the field has been created correctly by navigating to the "Fields & Relationships" section of the Category object.

    • Ensure the field appears as expected and matches the details shown in the provided image.

Additional Notes

  • Data Sensitivity Level: Set according to your organization's data handling policies.

  • Compliance Categorization: Ensure this field complies with your organization's compliance requirements.

  • Created By and Modified By: These fields will automatically show the user who created and last modified the field along with the timestamp.

By following these steps, you will create a "2D Scene Settings" field in Salesforce that matches the one shown in the image.

Last updated