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For advanced 2D usage, such as configuration or creating a planogram, we need to have an element that can handle adding sub-objects or components into it. Enter the Droppable Area. The Droppable Area typically represents an assembly that would have suboptions that need to be selected, but it can also represent a shelf for retail, or warehouse storage racks for inventory management.
1. Start on a screen with the 2D Admin Component
2. Click on Droppable Area Templates
3. Click on Add Droppable Area Template
4. Add a name to the Droppable Area
5. Look over other options provided for the Droppable area
6. Paste the URL to your image
7. If needed, Click on Drop Zones
8. Click on Add new Drop Zone
9. Drag highlighted element
10. Review all options for the added Drop Zone once Added
11. Adjust the look and feel of the Drop Zone by changing the color or opacity
12. If Required, Toggle Require a dropped item in this zone to "Active"
13. You can Search and associate this Drop Zone to a Record in Salesforce!
Let's link this with a CPQ Product Feature
14. Make the selection of the Record Type
15. Search for the record you want to link this to by it's name
16. Scroll and Click on the option that you are looking for
17. Click on Update Droppable Area to update that Droppable Area to your Scene Settings
18. Click on Save to Save the Scene Settings