Setup 2D Scene Settings for a record

Let's take a look at Creating 2D Scene settings on a record.

Broken down further, follow along here:

1. Go to a page where the RenderDraw 2D Scene Director has been Added

You will see this screen and action if your Metadata settings are set up for the record type. If not, view the section on Metadata setup within the documentation portal to add a field and relationship where we can store your settings.

2. Click on Setup Admin Settings for this record

Click on Setup Admin Settings for this record

3. Once setup, your screen should look like this, you are now ready to setup the scene.

If the 2D Canvas component is passed this record id, these scene settings will load automatically. Setup the scene with Droppable Areas, Draggable Items and DropZones, Layout Elements for retail or layouts, or selectable shapes for visualization

Once setup, your screen should look like this, you are now ready to setup the scene.

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