
Our standard data utilities offer a comprehensive suite of tools that enable richer data visualizations, efficient data management, and interactive user experiences. The utilities include a 360º Virtual Tour module, robust Data Tables, and the AnnotateIt Images tool.

360º Virtual Tour

The 360º Virtual Tour utility provides an immersive, interactive viewing experience that allows users to explore detailed virtual environments directly within Salesforce. This tool is ideal for real estate, hospitality, retail, and other industries that can benefit from high-quality visual representations of physical spaces. Whether it's a property tour for potential buyers, a hotel room showcase, or a detailed product demonstration, the 360º Virtual Tour brings your offerings to life.

Data Tables

Our Data Tables tool offers a dynamic, flexible interface for presenting and managing data in Salesforce. With features such as sorting, filtering, and inline editing, these tables allow for easy manipulation and presentation of large data sets. Use Data Tables to provide enhanced data views, create summary reports, or manage records more efficiently.

AnnotateIt Images

The AnnotateIt Images utility allows users to upload and annotate images directly within Salesforce. Users can add comments, highlight areas, or add other markings to the image. This is particularly useful for industries where visual feedback is crucial, such as design and construction, healthcare, or manufacturing quality control. With AnnotateIt Images, visual communication becomes an integrated part of your Salesforce experience.

These utilities are designed to enhance your data interaction capabilities and provide richer, more engaging experiences for your Salesforce users. All are easily embedded in your Salesforce instance using Lightning App Builder.

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