Enable Azure OCR in your Remote Site settings & Metadata

Before you get started adding your clickable regions, you have to make sure we can call the Einstein API.

Creation Date: May 24, 2024Created By: Erik PilgrimView most recent version​


1. Click on your OCR resource, if one does not exist Create a new Document Intelligence Resource

Create a resource at https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.CognitiveServicesFormRecognizer

2. Click on Copy to clipboard the value for Endpoint for this demo, ours is https://rdcentralocr.cognitiveservices.azure.com/

# Salesforce

3. Click on Quick Find

4. Click on Trusted URLs

5. Click on New Trusted URL

6. Type "renderdrawocr"

7. Type your OCR endpoint, ours is "https://rdcentralocr.cognitiveservices.azure.com"

8. Check connect-src (scripts)

9. Check frame-src (iframe content)

10. Click on Save

11. Click on Click here to manage keys

12. Click on These keys are used to access your Azure AI services API. Do not share your keys. Store them securely– for example, using Azure Key Vault. We also recommend regenerating these keys regularly. Only one key is necessary to make an API call. When regenerating the first key,…

13. Go back to your Salesforce Instance. We need to add an OCR Metadata entry for RenderDraw

14. Type "custom metadata"

15. Click on Custom Metadata Types

16. Click on Del | Manage Records

17. Click on Manage Records

18. Click on New

19. Paste your key into the API Key text area

20. Click on These keys are used to access your Azure AI services API. Do not share your keys. Store them securely– for example, using Azure Key Vault. We also recommend regenerating these keys regularly. Only one key is necessary to make an API call. When regenerating the first key,…

# Salesforce

21. Paste "https://rdcentralocr.cognitiveservices.azure.com/" into input

22. Type "AzureOCR"

23. Click on Save

24. Type "remote"

25. Click on Remote Site Settings

26. Click on New Remote Site

27. Type "Azure_OCR"

28. Paste "https://rdcentralocr.cognitiveservices.azure.com/" into input

29. Click on Save

30. Now your Salesforce instance is setup for OCR with Azure + RenderDraw

Last updated