Add a background image to your scene

Want something other than a plain background for your scene? Upload an image for a nice base prior to adding in overlays

Go to where your 2D scene component has been added to a record page

1. From Admin component, Click on Environment Options

From Admin component, Click on Environment Options

2. For this example, let's upload an image. Click on File

3. Upload your image

4. Once uploaded, click done.

Once uploaded, click done.

5. Now the background image is selectable in the list, select it.

Now the background image is selectable in the list, select it.

6. Click on Update to update settings for the scene

Click on Update to update settings for the scene

7. Click on Save to save your settings

Click on Save to save your settings

8. Refresh your record, navigate back to your Admin component

Refresh your record, navigate back to your Admin component

9. Now your background image is set, continue setting up your scene

Now your background image is set, continue setting up your scene

Last updated