RenderDraw Permission Sets

By default, RenderDraw enables features to users based on permission sets. These enable granular control to features across the app.

Permission Set NamePurposeIncluded with License type

AnnotateIt User

Enable to allow the editing of images or PDFs with AnnotateIt! components

Data Utilites, 2D & 3D

RenderDraw Admin

Setup and administer 2D and 3D scenes with Director components

2D & 3D

RenderDraw User

View and interact with Scenes created by RenderDraw Admin

2D & 3D

RenderDraw Integration User

For use with automated CAD Conversion, enables a Integration user to callout and convert files without interaction, e.g. email to lead with CAD attachments


Standalone Component User

Allow end user to view standalone components such as maps, datatables and more alongside 2D/3D scenes or standalone

Data Utilities 2D & 3D

Standalone Component Admin

Allow admin to setup Datatables, maps and other standalone components for consumption

Data Utilities, 2D & 3D

Swiper Admin

Allows Admin users to setup a photo swiper for end users

Data Utilities, 2D & 3D

Swiper User

Consume Swiper interactions as an end-user

Data Utilities, 2D & 3D

Virtual Tour Admin

Allows Admins to setup 360º virtual tours for Salesforce records

Data Utilities, 2D & 3D

Virtual Tour User

Allows users to interact with 360º interactive virtual tours

Data Utilities, 2D & 3D

Last updated